The Lesser Slow Lorris is a mammal which can clamps onto branches for long periods of time. To help it do this, the Loris has a network of blood vessels, called rate mirabilis in its forearms and shanks.
It is a small mammal which is 7-10 inches long (175-250 mm) and can weigh as much as 12 ounces or 340 grams. Being nocturnal the Loris has large round eyes. The Loris has no tail but has broad grasping feet. On its second toe it has a sharp claw. It also has an enlarged thumb and a reduced index finger.
The Lesser Slow Lorris is a plump animal with soft, thick fur ranging in color from light brownish-grey to deep reddish-brown with a dark stripe down the back and neck. It has a long snout with com-like front teeth which are used in grooming.
It is found in Southern Asia, Vietnam, Borneo, and Sumatera. As it is tree-living, it is restricted to tropical rain forests. The diet of the Loris is made up of fruit and leaves, tender shoots, insects, birds, small mammals and reptiles. It is nocturnal and sleeps by day rolled up in a ball.
The Lorris a solitary animal which belongs to the family of Lorisidea bush baby and potto. It is a very slow but deliberate climber. An interesting fact about the Lesser Slow Lorris is that it has a single-note whistle.
By syifaur rohman
kelas :lX b
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